Satpara Dam – Empowering Gilgit-Baltistan

Satpara Dam is located in the Giglgit region

Satpara Dam is a medium-sized concrete-faced earth-filled dam that stands proudly downstream from Satpara Lake.

It is approximately 4 km south away from the charming town of Skardu. This engineering marvel serves multiple purposes, transforming the region’s landscape and enhancing the lives of thousands.

The construction of Satpara Dam has significantly enlarged the size of Satpara Lake, further enhancing its splendor.

Beyond its aesthetic value, the dam plays a vital role in generating 17.36 MW of clean and renewable hydroelectricity.

This sustainable energy source electrifies approximately 30,000 households in the Skardu Valley which fosters development and progress.


Nurturing Life – Water and Agriculture

Satpara Dam’s impact stretches beyond electricity generation. It also acts as a vital water reservoir that irrigates an impressive 15,536 acres (62.87 km2) of land in the Skardu Valley, nurturing agricultural prosperity.

The water flowing from the dam breathes life into once arid fields which transforms them into flourishing farmlands.

Satpara Dam’s significance extends to Skardu city as it generously supplies 3.1 million gallons per day of clean drinking water.

This invaluable resource ensures that the residents have access to safe and potable water which promotes well-being for the community.


Economic Growth and Development

The impact of the Satpara Dam on the region’s agriculture is profound. The annual agricultural output in the Skardu Valley is projected to soar by 4 times because of the increase in water availability in thi region.

This growth will result in generating approximately $6 million in additional annual economic benefits for local communities. This helps in fostering prosperity and sustainable development in this region.


Satpara Dam – A Collaborative Endeavor for Progress

The construction of Sadpara dam involved collaboration between the Government of Pakistan and USAID.

In January 2011, USAID signed an Enhanced Partnership Agreement, securing US$26 million in funding.

This investment enabled the completion of Power House Units 3 and 4, as well as the remaining works on the dam.


A Symbol of Success and Sustainability

A new wave of progress and sustainability comes with the completion of Power House Unit No. 4 and the successful operation of Satpara Dam in April 2013.

Even in the pursuit of development and progress, Satpara Dam has ensured the preservation of the natural beauty

By harnessing renewable energy and promoting responsible water usage, the dam serves as a model for sustainable development and eco-consciousness.


Satpara Dam – Empowering the Future

In conclusion, Satpara Dam shows the power of human with a commitment to ecology and community development.

From generation of electricity to clean water for harvesting crops, the dam’s impact is transformative.

Sadpara Dam stands as an example to the possibilities when people collaborates with nature for the greater good of society and the environment.

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